‘It’s a rat drug’: Neighbors call TMJ4 with complaints of overflowing trash

A smelly problem with lingering issues — That’s what people in Milwaukee’s Valley Park neighborhood say they’ve been dealing with.

“I’ve talked to DNS, I’ve talked to sanitation, I’ve talked to the health department. I don’t know who else to talk to and that’s why I called you,” neighbor Yvonne Wentlandt said.

https://img.particlenews.com/image.php?url=07zjk2_0vrY6GKU00 TMJ4
Yvonne Wentlandt lives in the Valley Park Neighborhood and has for more than 50 years. She lives right across from one of the three problem properties in her neighborhood that has overflowing trash. She called TMJ4 to report the problem after calling DNS and sanitation several times

Wentlandt called TMJ4’s Jenna Rae Monday asking for help with an overflowing trash problem across from her house. It’s a problem so bad, neighbors said the whole neighborhood is infested with rats.

While walking around her yard with her trash picker-upper, Wentlandt picked up trash in her yard, bushes and even in the street.

“Oh this is normal, yes, because of the garbage up the block,” she said.

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