Disturbing details emerge in U of M student’s alleged killing of his grandfather

A University of Minnesota student is accused of murdering his grandfather in rural Michigan last month, according to authorities.

Jacob Kempainen, 20, and his mother, Margaret Kempainen, are each charged with one count of 1st-degree murder and one count of conspiracy to murder in the shooting death of Jacob’s grandfather, according to TV6 News.

Details about the investigation have emerged in a search warrant filed by law enforcement in Minnesota, who searched Jacob’s apartment at 1015 Essex St. SE in Minneapolis in connection with the case.

According to the search warrant:

The Houghton County Sheriff’s Office discovered Jacob’s paternal grandfather, 87-year-old Alvin Kempainen, dead with a gunshot wound to his head inside his home in Hancock Township while conducting a well-being check the morning of Dec. 19, according to the warrant.

The warrant states Jacob’s father, who lives in Hartland, Wisconsin , told police his wife and children left him on Dec. 7 and he had not had contact with them since.

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