Metro Transit to Allow Tap-and-Pay Fare Collection with New System

Metro Transit announced today that it will upgrade its fare collection system to allow riders to simply tap their credit card or mobile device when boarding buses and trains.

The new system, expected to roll out in early 2025, will eliminate the need for riders to obtain and load funds onto separate transit cards.

The current machines for validating Go-To transit cards, which have been in place for 20 years, are reaching the end of their lifespan.

The new tap-and-pay system will be similar to those already implemented in cities like New York, Chicago, and Boston.

Riders will still have the option to pay with cash or load funds onto new transit cards set to replace the Go-To cards.

Metro Transit police will also transition from handwriting citations to using mobile printers when enforcing fares.

The upgrades and new fare collection equipment from vendor Cubic Transportation Systems will cost $37.7 million over a five-year contract.

By sticking with the longtime vendor Cubic, Metro Transit expects to save 25-30% compared to switching to a new company since some infrastructure can be re-used.

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