Robbinsdale pitches ideas for parks

The city of Robbinsdale is developing a 10-year plan for its parks. The first step of the process began with a brainstorming session. Fueled by water bottles and rum butterscotch flavored candies, the city’s Parks, Recreation and Forestry Commission met with city staff for a few hours to discuss their dreams for the parks.

City Manager Tim Sandvik led the group in a SWOT activity. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The commission discussed the park system as a whole while Sandvik took notes on large sheets of paper.

During its meeting on Jan. 23, the commission started with strengths.

Commissioners noted many good things about the city. Robbinsdale has 14 parks, a farmers market, a gym and ample programming.

While some neighboring cities charge extra fees for nonresidents to participate, Robbinsdale charges everyone the same fee whether they live in the city or not. Commissioners appeared to unanimously approve of this.

Then the commissioners listed weaknesses.

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