Full Steam Ahead or Off the Rails? Hyperloop Proposal Sparks Twin Cities Tension

A bold proposal to build a futuristic hyperloop transportation system linking the Twin Cities and Rochester has sparked heated debate among Minnesota leaders and transit experts.

The nonprofit group Global Wellness Connections is seeking $2.5 million from the Metropolitan Council to study the feasibility of a hyperloop route.

The technology, popularized by billionaire Elon Musk, propels passenger pods through nearly airless tubes at speeds up to 700 mph using magnetic levitation.

Supporters say a 15-minute hyperloop trip would catalyze economic growth by connecting the Twin Cities’ resources with Mayo Clinic’s headquarters in Rochester.

But skeptics argue conventional high-speed rail would be more practical and affordable. No hyperloop for passengers yet exists anywhere in the world.

“Being first to deploy a revolutionary system like a hyperloop seems like an audacious step,” wrote the Star Tribune’s editorial board. However, the board said the idea shouldn’t be dismissed and merits consideration by the Met Council.

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