Weird But True—Minnesota Housewife Went SEVEN Years WITHOUT Food, Water, or Sleep!

In 1934, a Minnesota woman stunned the world by asserting she thrived without eating, drinking, or sleeping since 1927. Strange—but true! 🌐 #News #StPaulMN #Minnesota #WeirdNews

ST. PAUL, MN – Way back in 1934, a startling story emerged from a modest home at 642 Half Avenue in St. Paul, Minnesota. Louis Nasch, a 55-year-old painter, spoke to reporters. He said his wife, Martha Nasch, hadn’t eaten, drunk, or slept in seven years. The 44-year-old bob-haired housewife, according to her husband, remained perfectly healthy despite this extraordinary claim.

Louis Nasch stepped forward with the story to dispel any notions that he was starving his wife. Martha, when questioned by the press, supported her husband’s account, admitting that she expected skepticism from the public…

Story continues