Central Christian School in Robertsdale mourns unexpected death of longtime coach and athletic director

ROBERTSDALE, Ala. (WKRG) — A funeral service is being held today for a beloved coach and mentor at Central Christian School in Robertsdale. 49-year-old Michael Turner died unexpectedly from a heart attack last week.

The school is quiet today, canceling classes so everyone from current students, faculty, and people who left the school long ago can pay their respects to a man many called Coach Turner.

From the many signs and pictures around the school, to yellow ribbons, everyone is mourning the loss of Michael Turner in their own way.

“His purpose with this school was athletics. He wasn’t just a coach. Truly, when you were in his life, you were in his life. He has had players that he has officiated their weddings afterward. He led Bible study for alumni. It was he was integrated into everyone’s life,” said co-worker and friend Sunni Lippincott. He was a coach here for 20 years and in recent years became their athletic director.

“He always wanted them to give their best. I never wanted them to give up, give 110%, whether it was at school, sports, the love for God, whatever it was, it was just such a drive that he had,” said friend Nathan Lippincott. Friends and students say he greeted everyone with a fist bump in the morning and would go on to coach others at night.

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