Major General Gary Cooper’s wife reflects on 33 years of marriage

MOBILE, Ala. ( WKRG ) — The inspirational Mobile native and Marine Corps Veteran Major General Gary Cooper passed away on Saturday.

“Gary was ready to a certain extent,” Beverly Cooper, Gary’s wife of 33 years, said.

Mobile Marine Corps Veteran Gary Cooper leaves a lasting legacy

The Major General leaves behind an inspirational history. Growing up in Mobile during the Jim Crow era, Cooper faced racial challenges head-on ranging from school segregation to only being allowed to walk on one side of the street.

A life that he never wanted his future children to face.

“One of the phrases he used to talk about was, ‘I left Mobile on the back of a segregated train,’” Beverly said.

Cooper left Mobile and attended the University of Notre Dame. After graduation, he joined the Marine Corps. He was the first African American Marine Corps Officer to lead an infantry company into combat in Vietnam.

Black History Month Trailblazer: General Gary Cooper

Cooper earned two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star. He rose through the ranks and was eventually promoted to Major General.

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