Restoration Efforts Begin for Historic Downtown Mobile House

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The Chighizola House, located on South Franklin Street, is a testament to Mobile’s rich history.

Built nearly 200 years ago, this house has seen the city grow from a busy port town to a modern urban center.

Named after the Chighizola family, early settlers in Mobile, the house features original heart pine flooring, intricate moldings, and remnants of the original wallpaper.

Over the years, the Chighizola House has played various roles in the community.

From being a boarding house in the mid-19th century to serving as a warehouse for Hoffman Furniture, the house has adapted to the changing needs of the city.

Despite these changes, the house has kept much of its original character, making it a valuable piece of Mobile’s history.

The Need for Restoration

The Chighizola House has faced the ravages of time.

Deteriorating mortar, rot, and structural instability have all taken their toll on the building.

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