AltaPointe Health In Mobile To Be CCBHC Certified

AltaPointe Health has announced that Alabama has been chosen as one of the states to receive the designation of Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in partnership with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. This means Alabama will receive increased funding and support to expand access to high-quality behavioral healthcare for individuals in need. AltaPointe Health in Mobile County will be one of the first two clinics to be certified as a CCBHC. These providers of behavioral health services are now further empowered through the CCBHC Medicaid Demonstration Program to expand their reach and impact. CCBHCs are designed to provide a wide range of mental health and substance use disorder services, including 24/7 crisis care, integrated treatment for mental health and substance use disorders, and primary care screening and monitoring. This model helps provide timely and coordinated care for both behavioral and physical health. AltaPointe Health says CCBHCs have been proven to reduce homelessness and substance use among their clients, while decreasing the need for emergency room visits and hospitalizations. It adds that it is poised to expand its reach and impact by offering more comprehensive care. This development is expected to reduce the burden on emergency services and improve the overall health and well-being of residents.

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