Downtown Mobile Gets a $30 Million Boost

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Downtown Mobile is in for a treat, thanks to a hefty $30 million in funding announced Tuesday for coastal projects across Alabama.

This funding comes from the federal GOMESA grant, fueled by oil and gas production along the Gulf Coast.

Mobile County is set to receive $6 million of this grant, with several exciting projects planned for downtown.

It’s safe to say that Mobile’s future is looking brighter—and a whole lot more fun!

Fresh Upgrades for Mobile’s Favorites

One of the most exciting projects on the list is the $3 million expansion of Cooper Riverside Park.

This beloved park is getting a makeover that promises to make it even more of a hotspot for locals and tourists alike.

Whether you’re into scenic strolls by the river or just love a good outdoor gathering spot, this expansion will take the park to the next level.

But that’s not all!

The GulfQuest National Maritime Museum is also getting a piece of the pie, with $2 million earmarked for new flooring and a brand-new Delta exhibit.

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