Faith Time: Lessons of the Prodigal Son

MOBILE, Ala. (WKRG) — Faith Time is our weekly conversation on matters of faith.

Joining us this morning is Justin Driver with Forward Church. We want to talk about one of the most famous Bible stories, The Prodigal Son. What’s the basis of that story?

Guest: I love it so much. There’s so much theology packed into that, but also so much application for us packed into that story. I would say that the basis of it is God’s redemption in God’s love. The everlasting love of the father to pursue his children is the basic foundation of the prodigal.

Anchor: And we’ve got a story where you’ve got two sons, one decides to take his inheritance and kind of splurge it. The other one stays with the family and is sort of the good son and the the prodigal son comes back and he’s rewarded and he’s forgiven for his transgressions. What is this story meant to teach us?

Guest: So many different things, first and foremost, I love the part of the story where it says the father saw the son afar off. The prodigal started returning home, but the father went to him and ran to him, met him where he was, threw a celebration. So, I think that there’s all there’s always restoration, there’s always redemption, there’s always forgiveness, no matter how far we stray.

Story continues