Mobile’s Tree-Loving Community Protects Its Canopy

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In Mobile, trees are more than just part of the scenery—they’re a vital part of the city’s identity, and residents go to great lengths to protect them.

Recent efforts, including new regulations and collaboration with utility companies, are ensuring that Mobile’s tree canopy continues to thrive while balancing the need for reliable power.

From towering live oaks to majestic magnolias, Mobile’s greenery is getting its time to shine, even in the face of modernization.

When Trees Meet Power Lines

Imagine there’s a flickering light show in your house, only to discover it’s because your neighbor’s tree has gotten a little too friendly with the power line.

That’s exactly what happened on one rainy night in Mobile.

But instead of chopping down the offending branches without a second thought, the lineman from Alabama Power was cautious and respectful of the trees, waiting for the homeowner’s blessing to trim just what was necessary.

Story continues