Dear Panic Buyers in Alabama: What’s Wrong with Y’all?

“Better stock up on toilet paper, paper towels and water! The strike in the Port of Mobile is going to cause a shortage!” That was a familiar post on Facebook a couple of days ago. I saw it everywhere. Did people heed the warning? You betcha they did! The shelves for those items at local stores were empty by nightfall. Granted some of those supplies may have been purchased for hurricane victims, I think the majority was out of sheer panic over the port strike.

But here’s the kicker: toilet paper, paper towels, and bottled water doesn’t get here on a container ship. It’s not shipped from a foreign country. 99% of our toilet paper and paper towels and bottled water are made in the good ol’ USA. So, they don’t come through a port like Mobile. The port workers can strike all they want – the butt wipes are safe.

Let’s talk about “panic buying.” Seriously, y’all? Someone starts a rumor that there’s going to be a shortage of something and everyone panics. Then the panic buying that follows creates a shortage ten times worse that it would have been anyway! This is madness!

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