Two influential Mobile artists, Catt Sirten, and Jerry Roldan, will be honored by the Mobile Arts Council (MAC) on January 10 at The MAC Gallery at Room 1927 at 6-9 p.m. Sirten passed away on August 6, 2023, after a 40-year radio career that left “a lasting impact on the Gulf Coast region,” MAC said. He also became a professional photographer. An exhibit called “Catt Prints” will showcase a collection of his photographs. Roldan, who passed away on November 10, 2023, grew up in Mobile and earned a BA in art and a master’s in fine art, both from the University of Alabama. After graduating, he taught art at Faulkner State Community College, the University of South Alabama, Spring Hill College, the City of Mobile’s Community Activities Program and at the Shelby County Arts…..