Stockton World War II veteran reflects on 101 years of life

Dr. Marvin Lee Lykins recently celebrated 101 years of life.

He sat down with The Stockton Record in January for an interview reflecting on his family, career, and legacy over the past century.

“I feel so fortunate God is in my life. God has blessed me more than I deserve,” he said. “I’ve been blessed with family, fortune, friends. I go to sleep at night peacefully.”

Lykins celebrated his 101 birthday with a party at his home in Oakmont of Brookside on Wednesday, Jan. 17. Stockton Mayor Kevin Lincoln among other Stockton government officials were in attendance.

“(Lykins) is just a very pleasant man,” said Roxeanne Jewell-Richardson, marketing director at Oakmont of Brookside. “It’s wonderful to have him here in our community home.”

Lykins also celebrated with an intimate casino-themed party the same week at his daughter’s home with loved ones.

“He’s kind, one of the kindest people I know, and thoughtful,” said Lykins’ daughter, Diana Larson. “He’s very talented…and a great dad.”

World War II veteran to doctor

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