What’s the secret to love that lasts? Tracy couple married 64 years may have the answer

Tracy couple married 64 years discuss the secret to lasting love 02:48

TRACY — What’s the secret to a love that lasts?

One couple living at Brookdale Tracy , after 64 years of marriage, might just have the answer.

“Where did the time go?” asked Linda La Presle, flipping through her wedding photo album from 1960.

She and her husband Roger La Presle are both 84 years old and say their devotion to one another has only grown stronger in the decades that have passed.

“We are still very much in love and very happy,” Linda said.

Despite how long they’ve been together, it didn’t take them long at all to decide they wanted to spend their lives in each other’s arms.

“We dated for three weeks and got engaged. We only knew each other for three weeks. I didn’t need more time, and she didn’t either. It’s like, what took you so long?” Roger said with a laugh.

“I wasn’t surprised at all,” Linda said of the proposal. “It just clicked. It was very comfortable.”

Roger added that they “told some friends that we were engaged to get married. They looked at us and said, ‘You’re kidding. Are you serious? You don’t know her that well.’ I said, ‘I know all I need to know.'”

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