Man riding an electric scooter hit by a car in Modesto 【Video】

In the wake of a recent incident in Modesto, where a man riding an electric scooter was hit by a car, the online community has been buzzing with reactions. The video has sparked a heated debate, with many viewers expressing their concerns and opinions.

One viewer commented, “That was an amazing level of stupid! No helmet. Looks to be carrying a small dog. Shoots directly into traffic on a scooter. Survival instinct zero.” This comment highlights the recklessness of the scooter rider, who not only endangered his own life but also that of a small pet.

Another viewer suggested a different perspective on the incident, “I think a better title might be ‘idiot blows by a stop light on an electric scooter and gets run over by someone obeying traffic laws.'” This comment underscores the importance of obeying traffic rules and the potential consequences of ignoring them.

However, not all viewers focused on the scooter rider’s actions. Some expressed concern for the small dog the man was carrying. “Am I a bad person for only being worried about the dog?” one viewer asked, reflecting the sentiment of many animal lovers who watched the video.

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