‘It was my superpower.’ How a Modesto bakery found sweet success selling sourdough

“Everybody thought I was nuts. I even thought I was, because I was like, ‘What am I doing?’ But it was something that I just had, and for whatever reason it just spoke to me. I guess you could say it was my superpower.”

That superpower Katie Hudson wields is bread making — specifically, sourdough.

Though sourdough bread making had a viral social media moment as a pandemic hobby, Hudson wasn’t inspired by the trend. She did come to this passion through Instagram, however.

Hudson was a fan of MatKat Sourdough, buying it regularly at the Modesto Certified Farmers Market, and saw a post from the business owner in 2020 seeking a buyer as she was moving out of state. Hudson said she had a good job in outside sales, the freedom to make her own schedule, but felt something more was calling to her.

“So I messaged her, and later that week, I was at her place in Santa Cruz watching her to see what she did. I’m like, yep, I’m buying it,” she recalled.

Hudson bought all the equipment, the name and the recipes. (MatKat was named by the former owner after Matkatamiba Canyon, which is part of Grand Canyon.)

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