As Bay Area homeless encampment sweeps intensify, so do questions and pushback

It was just over two weeks ago that Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an executive order that led to numerous homeless camp sweeps.

So what are the real results, and what are the next steps?

The executive order came on the heels of a Supreme Court ruling that gave cities more leeway in clearing encampments.

We’ve seen tents removed, RVs told to go someplace else, even a directive in San Francisco to offer people bus tickets.

There has also been pushback and a key court ruling Friday in the North Bay.

MORE: Newsom vows to take away funding from cities and counties for not clearing encampments

Across the Bay Area and beyond scenes like this are intensifying.

Gov. Gavin Newsom doubled down on his executive order two weeks ago, directing the state to clear encampments.

On Thursday, he was in Southern California putting pressure on cities to do the same or lose critical funding.

“I want to see results. I don’t want to read about them. I don’t want to see the data. I want to see it,” Newsom said.

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