U-Haul is handing out $100 checks from $5 million data breach settlement – but you must fill out the form

AMERICANS have only two weeks to claim free money from a massive data breach settlement.

U-Haul agreed to settle in a $5 million class action lawsuit after consumers’ personal data was compromised.

U-Haul agreed to settle in a $5 million class action lawsuit after consumers’ personal data was comprised Credit: Getty

The settlement benefits California residents whose information was compromised in a data breach that occurred in September 2022 or December 2023.

The moving company failed to protect consumer information from the two data breaches in 2022 and 2023.

These cyberattacks allegedly compromised consumer names and driver’s license numbers.

The lawsuit claimed that an unauthorized third party accessed U-Haul files that included sensitive personal information.

The rental company denied wrongdoing but agreed to a $5,085,000 settlement.


Eligible U-Haul customers can score a payment of around $100.

However, this may increase or decrease depending on the amount remaining in the settlement fund after handing out money for class representative service awards, attorneys’ fees, and administration expenses.

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