‘Dumb N-rs’: Black California Student and His Mother Were Called Racial Slurs By Classmates, and School Employees Found It Amusing, Lawsuit Says

A federal lawsuit filed by a recent high school graduate in Northern California claims that a revolting culture of racism was allowed and encouraged by teachers and administrators who remain employed at Pierce High School in Arbuckle.

Jaylen Escobosa, an 18-year-old Black Hispanic man who wrapped up his studies at the school earlier this year, alleges that during his time as a student, he and other children of color were subjected to numerous incidents of racist behavior, including an alleged assault by a teacher on Escobosa.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court of Eastern California on Aug. 9, claims that faculty and coaches at the school regularly made racist jokes and used slurs when referring to people of color.

The lawsuit claims Pierce High School violated Title IV of the Civil Rights Act by maintaining a racially hostile educational environment and by intentional discrimination by denying the benefits of a public education.

The 30-page legal action, obtained by Atlanta Black Star , further claims First Amendment retaliation, violation of the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment, and negligent supervision, training, hiring and retention.

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