Modesto residents take notice of Asm. Juan Alanis’ leadership on crime prevention Opinion

Alanis and Prop. 36

Retail theft and housing are issues in state Assembly race in Stanislaus County ,” (, Feb. 13)

As a lifelong resident of Modesto, I know two things that will have my vote this election year: Proposition 36 and Assemblyman Juan Alanis.

Alanis has been talking about the need to make changes to Proposition 47 since the first time he ran, and now he is getting behind a movement that will make our community safer to live in.

We are lucky to have purchased a home before the pandemic. There is no chance that we would be able to afford a home with today’s prices and interest rates, even with the equity we have already built. No one can deny that costs and crime are out of control. We need to support what will protect our community and those who will fight for it.

Emily Gomez



Alanis’ dedication

Retail theft and housing are issues in state Assembly race in Stanislaus County ,” (, Feb. 13)

I am writing to commend Asm. Juan Alanis for his proactive efforts to address affordability concerns in California. Alanis has been a strong advocate for suspending the gas tax to provide immediate financial relief to Californians burdened by rising fuel prices. This measure reflects his commitment to making everyday expenses more manageable for families across the state.

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