Keep Stockton’s Laughlin Park clean, volunteer for upcoming Clean City Initiative event

Volunteers have one more chance in 2024 to beautify a Stockton park alongside the Clean City Initiative, according to the city calendar .

From 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28, volunteers plan to join initiative members to pick up trash, pull weeds and freshen up paint at Laughlin Park in northwest Stockton.

“(The cleanups) are great opportunities for people to be involved in the community,” city spokesperson Connie Cochran said. “They can see a difference in a park just in a few hours.”

Stockton parks get boost from Clean City Initiative

The event is the last of several cleanups the Clean City Initiative — a joint effort of volunteers, city departments and recycling and waste companies — has planned for this year. The last one took place Aug. 17 at Panella Park.

“We reengage residents with their neighborhood parks. They become fully aware of everything their parks have to offer,” said Councilmember Dan Wright, whose district includes Panella Park.

“Volunteers take care of low-level maintenance like repainting tables and benches and doing a clean sweep of litter.”

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