Unhoused in Stockton say their only option for dealing with hot weather is to ‘endure it’

It’s too hot to not have a house.

In Stockton, summer temperatures can get so high that residents are told to stay inside and avoid over exerting themselves. Not so simple, though, if you’re unhoused and have to lug your belongings everywhere you go.

“When it’s raining, you can always find shelter or create shelter,” said Michael Lopez, a 53-year-old Stockton native who has been struggling with homelessness for more than 10 years. “When it’s cold, you can build a fire, you can bundle up, you know, you can add extra clothing.  But when it’s hot, what can you do? When you’re hot, you can’t do anything about it but endure it.”

As Stockton officials advance plans to prohibit camping in more public spaces — particularly in parks, where public bathrooms and drinking fountains provide access to water — unhoused residents are struggling to stay hydrated and cool.

Point-in-Time Count: Homelessness in San Joaquin County has doubled, latest report shows

“You know, we’re at the mercy of everybody,” Lopez said. “Right now, being homeless in Stockton is like having a bullseye on your back.”

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