State floats $10B Proposition 4 for water, wildfire protection. What Turlock students think

As part of a larger mock election unit he’s conducting at Pitman High School in Turlock, teacher Isaac W. Farhadian had his students in AP U.S. government and politics, U.S. government and economics write letters to the editor.

Because of the volume of letters, we are breaking them up by ballot proposition. We will run batches of letters, edited primarily for length, in the weeks leading up to the Nov. 5 election. This is the second bunch of letters. The first was on Proposition 2 .

The following letters regard Proposition 4 , which would authorize $10 billion in general obligation bonds for water, wildfire prevention, and protection of communities and lands.

California must protect its environment

Dear Editor,

What would you do if you went to the forest to hike but instead were met with city buildings instead of trees? One would presumably be upset to see something that had once been beautiful now ruined. I believe that you should vote yes on Proposition 4 to preserve the nature of California. I believe that we should preserve the beauty of California and not let it become unsightly. Yes, it may cost a fortune, but it’s more than worth it when you get to see the results in action. It would not be safe to have your children go off into a world that is incredibly polluted, with constant wildfires that cause the deterioration of the air quality and environment.

Story continues