Why it takes so long to get the word out about our missing children?

After writing about a child missing earlier, I found that I was having issues getting it published, and with the importance of time, it has not been published and it has been hours of me trying to publish to help this family find missing Michael Cole Jr, 16. Last seen Thursday night, January 25th (Mike Jr).

His mother went live asking for help finding her son. So many times you will never see it on the news, and sharing on social media is the only source so many have to use to help. https://fb.watch/pRj1dlfoGG/

His mother, fb name, Blackbaby Keshiab Felder was live, pleading for help in finding her son, and asking those that may have information to please speak up. She was in the rain searching for her child today. Felder: “Son wya ain’t stop looking yet, I’m in the rain for you Mike!”

Shan Brooks: “If anyone knows something, please say something. He is loved and wanted. We just want him back. If you have a conscience and got God in your life please speak up!”

Tessie Noahy Johnson: “That Girl live just brought tears to my eyes yall please bring that girl child home. Please, praying for her. Stay strong God is going to reveal everything!”

Story continues