North Montgomery Will Have Its Very Own Community Scouts “Youth Adventures Scouts”

North Montgomery, Patricia June, a community advocate, innovator, and President of Highland Gardens United Neighborhood Association, has created another program that’s for boys and girls ages 10 through 17. Parents can register their children to become a part of the very first youth community scouts club.

Patricia June: “I realized that what the communities needed was the resources, and programs created, and stationed right in the communities, making it more close and personal within the community. If our communities don’t have it, create it for them!”

“North Montgomery can have all the same activities, programs, and resources they want, and that’s what I am doing. Just because they have one everywhere else, does not mean our communities cannot create what we need, and have our very own.” The program was created to help with the community youths having positive, educational activities to do all year, and not just for a day, week, month or summer.

The community scouts is named, “Youth Adventures. They will wear military uniforms, that will include their names. They will participate in live interactive field trips, and hands on lessons about the environment, science, math, leadership skills, survival skills, and community.

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