More than 30% of Alabama Hyundai workers support effort to join UAW

Feb. 1 (UPI) — The United Auto Workers union said Thursday that Hyundai workers have signed up more than 30% of the auto workers at a plant in Alabama for an organizing campaign to join the union.

In a video produced by the UAW, pro-union Hyundai workers at the Montgomery, Ala., plant said they are standing up to join the UAW.

“Montgomery, Alabama — the city where Rosa Parks sat down, and the city where thousands of Hyundai workers are ready to stand up,” workers in the video said.

The workers in the video expressed their reasons for wanting to join the UAW.
Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey said last month that she “will always stand strong for our hardworking men and women” but alleged the “Alabama model for economic success is under attack” by unions. File Photo by UPI

Drena Smith has worked for Hyundai for 19 years.

“I’m getting close to retirement and the company has literally broken me down,” Smith said. “We need compensation for that when we retire. Not just a cake and a car discount for a car we can’t afford to buy because we won’t have any income. We need a real retirement; we need to win our union.”

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