School Bus in Millbrook searched after 911 call from student

During the morning route to school on September 10, 2024, a student used their cell phone to call 911 after hearing other students on the bus making threats. The Millbrook Police Department responded quickly and searched all personal items on the bus to ensure no weapons were present. The bus was clear. No weapons were found on the bus. We will continue to respond to all reports and take each seriously. Students who make threats to our schools will be disciplined by the school system and a police report will be filed each time. Threats to our schools is not something to casually talk about or make jokes about, so please talk with your child about the consequences that will result from making statements that could cause panic for our staff and students. Our number one priority is ensuring our schools/buses are safe for students and staff and as a result we will follow up on every report, every time.

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