Abusements at Village Green Records for free Friday the 13th concert

Friday the 13th is a lucky day for punk rock fans.

With a new album they consider their best yet, Montgomery band Abusements is ready to give its hometown a rare and free all-ages live show — in a pretty appropriate venue.

The band will be at Village Green Records, 2960 Zelda Road, 6-8 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 13, to celebrate the Tuesday, Sept. 10 release of Grievance Beerwater Reprisal. They’ll also have music from special guests Mara Nagra, another Montgomery band that blends punk, garage, indie and stoner rock.

“We’re super excited,” said DJ Fake Name, who does vocals and keys for Abusements. “We’ve got an album that we worked really hard on.”

Guests can rock to the music, buy vinyl, and they’ll also have limited edition large posters available. You can get merch signed by everyone — DJ Fake Name, Dominique Bradley Sr. (drums, engineering, production), Lyra Lyricat (bass, vocals), and guitarists Wil Evans and Jay Hensley.

“It’ll be a full-band, full-sound show,” said DJ Fake Name.

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