Alabama leaders join hundreds in Montgomery to honor veterans

MONTGOMERY, Ala. ( WHNT ) — On Monday, hundreds of Alabamians lined the streets of Montgomery to cheer for those who have served the United States in a special Veterans Day parade.

The sound of drums and the marching of soldiers rang through the streets Monday with some groups throwing candy while others performed to show their support for veterans.

Barber shop offers free haircuts and a listening ear to veterans on Veterans Day

MSG. Kenneth Gray, an Army veteran, said the procession meant a lot to him.

“Veterans Day means a lot. [It] just lets you know that your city and your state- they come out and support you for your service you did,” Gray said. “You’re being recognized- so it means a lot to the veterans to know you’re appreciated.”

Rep. Phillip Ensler, D-Montgomery, said it’s important to honor veterans through taking action.

“Supporting policies that help with housing, mental healthcare, with medical healthcare services- all of those are really important as a way to always honor our veterans,” Ensler said.

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