Nolensville Little League World Series coach believes his dismissal was ‘personal’

The man who guided Nolensville to three straight Little League World Series appearances does not believe the reasons he was given for his dismissal by Nolensville league president David Jones.

“I can’t help but think that this is a personal attack on Randy,” Nolensville manager Randy Huth told The Tennessean on Thursday afternoon, adding that he was “caught off guard” by the news and that he believes his personal life, not unfair treatment of players, was the real reason for the change.

Huth led Nolensville Little League to three consecutive Little League World Series, the first U.S. coach to accomplish the feat in since the series began in 1947. The team finished second in the United States in 2022 and made national headlines in 2023, thanks in large part to Stella Weaver, the only girl in last year’s series.

“If you take my body of work on the field, there’s nobody that can argue that,” Huth said. “If you want to talk about things off the field, OK, I can apologize.

“I’ve never been arrested. I didn’t break the law. I didn’t steal any money. Then I’d deserve it.”

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