Murfreesboro woman says police failed to help after ex-boyfriend threatened her

Elbony Weatherspoon says she’s lucky to be alive.

Her ex-boyfriend threatened to kill her and himself with Weatherspoon’s gun, but it was only after she got proof that she said Murfreesboro Police were quick to act.

Officers responded to Weatherspoon’s home back in August to find Michael Thibodeau had barricaded himself inside, armed with the gun Weatherspoon reported missing two days earlier.

Police used tear gas and rubber bullets during a three-hour standoff before Thibodeau finally surrendered.

He was later charged with aggravated domestic assault, vandalism and reckless endangerment with a deadly weapon.

Thibodeau flipped over furniture, fired several rounds in the floors and punched holes in the walls.

What made matters worse for Weatherspoon was that her renter’s insurance had just lapsed, leaving her with no way of paying for damages and no home for her three children.

All this from a man Weatherspoon had only dated for three weeks.

“The person that I met. The person that I knew. That was not him,” Weatherspoon said.

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