Franklin Residents Invited to Showcase Their Backyard Habitats for BEE Program Field Day

Franklin business owners and residents are invited to apply to display their spaces during the BEE Program field day on May 10, 2024. The event will include a tour of different habitats in the town, with two habitats being featured. The Franklin Conservation Agent/Natural Resource Protection Manager and a neutral third-party organization, the Friends of Franklin Conservation, will review and confirm the selected habitats.

Participants of the BEE Program will visit the chosen habitats. Property owners must agree to this to receive a payment of $400 per person, which should be used to improve the habitat. Eligible habitats can be various environments, such as gardens that attract pollinators, native gardens, managed forests, wetland restorations, raingardens, native grass lawns, and habitats under development.

The ideal habitats should offer food and shelter for wildlife and have a variety of plants throughout the year. Those unsure if their habitat qualifies can contact Breeka Li Goodlander for clarification.

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