Costco’s impact: Where Mt. Juliet will put 3 traffic lights involving Golden Bear Gateway

  • An approved Costco store includes a traffic signal and other road improvements.
  • Three new traffic lights are associated with Golden Bear Gateway.

Three new traffic signals are expected to be operational in Mt. Juliet this year, with an additional project to upgrade a light at another city intersection expected to be online next year.

Golden Bear Gateway, which has a number of newer and ongoing developments on or nearby, is involved in the three new traffic signals.

The projects and their estimated completions dates are:

Golden Bear Gateway and Volunteer Boulevard

The purpose of the signal will be to improve traffic delays, particularly on Volunteer Boulevard, a side street that is prone to delays and queuing during peak traffic times, Mt. Juliet Public Works Director Matthew White said.

Completion is estimated for this winter, but arrival of the signal components can be uncertain, White said.

The project is being paid for through State Industrial Access funds.

East Division and the Golden Bear Gateway ramp

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