A FAFSA delay, local universities are moving forward with financial aid offers

Most of the time, high school seniors who are college-bound have already decided on where they’ll enroll. But because of major issues involving the FAFSA system this year, those decisions have been delayed.

The FAFSA system determines financial aid eligibility, but it underwent a massive overhaul this year. As a result, there have been some big glitches with the new system. Back in February, NewsChannel 5 spoke to a mom with two high school seniors in their household, that couldn’t contain her contempt. “I can’t believe they would release something this important to people without thoroughly vetting it, and thoroughly making sure it would work,” said Lillian Willis.

Now; according to senior officials in the U.S. Department of Education, the system is mostly working properly again. But colleges and universities are now the ones catching up and deciding what they’ll award in financial aid.

Austin Peay State University

APSU says they have mostly caught up. “Anyone who has filled out the FAFSA and had the information they provided released to APSU has already received their financial aid offers,” said Amy Corlew, APSU’s Assistant Provost for Enrollment Management.

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