Wilson County is not for sale. Commissioners should reject industrial park plan Opinion

I am a lifelong resident of Tuckers Crossroads, a rural community in the eastern part of Wilson County.

I am writing to let everyone know that there is a large out-of-state developer, Hillwood , who is proposing to build a roughly 1,400 acre industrial park (read: warehouses) in Tuckers Crossroads, off of the I-40 Linwood exit.

Why is this large industrial park something we should care about, much less fight against? As anyone who lives in Wilson County knows, our land is being developed at an increasingly high rate, reducing the bucolic landscapes that we all appreciate.

Perhaps you yourself moved to Wilson County to escape the bustle of a larger city, whether from the West Coast or West End in Nashville.

Perhaps you moved here so that you could have a couple of extra acres to pursue your passions or hobbies, or maybe you just want your children and grandchildren to be able to experience a slower pace of life.

Six reasons to oppose the industrial park proposal

A threat to agricultural land anywhere in Wilson County is a threat to agricultural land in all of Wilson County. The large developer, Hillwood, has tried to convince many people that they are doing what’s in the best interest of the community.

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