According to authorities, the two allegedly met on a gaming platform, met for “sexual acts” before he bought her a “tent, food, and water and dropped her off in a wooded area.”
A missing Tennessee teenage girl was found in a tent in the middle of the woods, where a 28-year-old man who she met online allegedly left her, before he went and celebrated the holidays with his family.
According to both the Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office and St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s Office , Alexander Materne met the unnamed victim playing an online game, before “arrangements were made” for the man to drive from his Louisiana home to hers in Tennessee “to pick up the female so she could stay with him.”
That happened, per authorities, on December 23, before he brought her back to his home and “they allegedly engaged in sexual acts.” It’s then, according to the sheriff, the victim revealed her age.
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The two then left his home, before he allegedly “bought the female a tent, food, and water and dropped her off in a wooded area in Tangipahoa Parish.” He then went to celebrate Christmas with his family.