Seth Campbell: Unpopular demand: The return of vouchers

Governor Bill Lee will not stop. Similar to a sequel nobody wanted, he’s back to pushing school vouchers upon Tennesseans.

For the past few years, Lee has been steadfast in jamming through vouchers and, yet again, this appears to be his No. 1 priority this year, as he has called an unnecessary special session beginning on Jan. 27. Strangely and dishonorably enough, he’s connected the voucher bill with disaster relief for those impacted in East Tennessee, which leads to questions since Hurricane Helene flooded the area nearly four months ago.

The main struggle regarding Lee’s voucher plan is that the Republican supermajority in Nashville has constantly pushed back. Moreover, school board members around the state have rebuffed Lee’s legislation and communities all around Tennessee have repeatedly told him they aren’t in favor of the idea. A Republican bill struggling to gain traction while Republicans hold the supermajority tells you plain and simple that the legislation is dreadful…

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