Murder suspect arrested with 4 guns in Nashville

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — A 30-year-old murder suspect was taken into custody in Nashville Wednesday after he reportedly ran from officers.

According to court documents, Adrees Bumphus was a passenger in a vehicle driven by someone with an outstanding warrant in a car with an incorrect license plate. Officers attempted to stop the vehicle in South Nashville but it reportedly drove away from a traffic stop.

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The vehicle was monitored by Metro’s helicopter unit until it crashed off the side of a road and Bumphus was seen running into the woods, according to Metro police.

Bumphus was taken into custody after a chase. According to court documents, officers found a green handgun in his pants in addition to a gray Glock pistol, a black Glock pistol and a Kel-Tec AR pistol in a red backpack…

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