Despite no plans submitted, a grocery chain vows to open another Brunswick store

Nine months after Publix announced it would be adding a location in southern Brunswick County, it seems little movement has been made on the project.

Publix announced it had leased property to build a new store in Carolina Shores in April 2023 . Construction has yet to begin, and town officials haven’t heard from the Florida-based supermarket chain.

Here’s what we know.

Sign on property indicates project still on

The announcement of a Publix location in Carolina Shores came last spring when the chain shared it had leased a vacant property at the corner of Calabash Road and U.S. 17 and planned to build a 45,000-square-foot building.

Chad Hicks, town administrator for Carolina Shores, said there has been no movement on the project from the town’s perspective since that announcement. Hicks said he has heard “not a thing” from the supermarket chain.

“We haven’t got any plans in or contacts or anything,” he said.

The land on which the store is proposed is currently vacant, meaning Publix would be building its new home. While no building plans or permits have been submitted to the town, Hicks said the sign indicating a Publix is coming to the site remains on the property.

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