Horry County Feb 16 Weekly Crime Report: 519 Incidents and 23 Crime Stories

Horry County Feb 16 Weekly Crime Report: 519 Incidents and 23 Crime Stories


During the last week, Horry County reported a total of 519 crime cases. The most prevalent type of crime was assault, with 157 cases, accounting for roughly 30% of the total crimes. This was closely followed by 119 instances of suspicious situations, and 94 cases of theft. Other types of crime, including arrests, shootings, vandalism, trespassing, burglary, and domestic-related incidents accounted for the remaining cases. There were 69 cases categorized as ‘other’, 23 arrests, 21 shootings, 11 instances of vandalism, 10 trespassing incidents, 8 burglaries, and 5 domestic-related incidents. The least common types of crime were robbery and reckless activity, each with only one case reported.

Incidents Last Week
Assault 157
Suspicious Situation 119
Theft 94
Other 69
Arrest 23
Shooting 21
Vandalism 11
Trespass 10
Burglary 8
Domestic Related 5

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Apart from the reported incidents, we discovered 23 crime news stories related to Horry County over the week. Below are the most noteworthy ones.

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