Wellness Wednesday: Benefits of being outdoors

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (WBTW) — We all know that feeling of being “cooped up” indoors, drained mentally and out of steam physically.

But did you know that just a little time outdoors can do wonders to change that?

New research published in “Ecopsychology” suggests that spending as little 10 minutes outside each day can make a difference in your physical and mental health.

Outside of our offices and cubicles, nature is calling and our bodies are listening.

You know that a walk around the block can make a big difference in changing your mood. But do you know why?

“The outdoors have so many amazing benefits for us,” pediatrician Dr. Vanessa Slots said.

Medical experts like Slots say there are both physical and mental benefits to simply being outdoors.

“There are a lot of studies that show being in nature, even if it’s just sitting under a tree for a few minutes every day, lowers our stress, which then in turn can really lower blood pressure, heart rate and those stress hormones like cortisol,” Slots said.

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