Lowcountry firefighters answer the call for help in Horry County

BEAUFORT, S.C. (WSAV) — Beaufort Port Royal firefighters have taken their colling almost four hours north, where they are providing much-needed relief to those battling the wildfire in Horry County.

“Horry County, City of Beaufort, and Town of Port Royal. We know that sacrifice. We know from being away from home for X amount of time and have an understanding of the sacrifices that we make for our family and kids,” said Adiran Villalon, a firefighter with the Beaufort-Port Royal department.

These dedicated firefighters have dropped everything to assist their colleagues in Horry County, where a 2,000-acre wildfire has burned for four days. With a 44% contamination rate, firefighters who have been working on the front lines since the start are exhausted and in need of a break…

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