South Carolina Forestry Commission says it’s ‘too early to know’ projected price of fighting Carolina Forest fire

HORRY COUNTY, S.C. (WBTW) — As the Covington Drive fire in Carolina Forest reaches Day 11, the South Carolina Forestry Commission told News13 the agency will cover all its costs associated with fighting the blaze but that it’s “too early to know” what the actual price will be.

“We will cover all our costs associated with the fire — personnel, food, lodging, equipment, etc,” the agency said Tuesday in an email. “Since the Southeast Compact was activated, we will reimburse the Florida IMT for their costs — personnel, food, lodging, equipment. As with all large incidents of this type, there will be expenses we don’t even know about yet that we will have to pay for.”

Horry County Government lifts current burn ban

The forestry commission said since the fire management assistance grant was approved, FEMA will reimburse agencies and fire departments for 75% of approved costs.

“If the state is in good shape financially, they usually cover the 25% that FEMA doesn’t in the next year’s appropriations for state agencies,” the email reads. “That would cover us, National Guard, and EMD.”…

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