Former longtime Myrtle Beach spokesperson announces mayoral run

MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) – After his retirement, a longtime spokesperson wants to be back working for Myrtle Beach but in a new role.

Mark Kruea announced on Wednesday that he’s entering the race for Myrtle Beach mayor. Kruea spent more than 25 years as the public information officer for Myrtle Beach before retiring in April 2024.

“Soon after retiring last April, people began encouraging me to run for mayor in 2025,” Kruea said. “This opportunity came to me; I did not go looking for it. They say it’s time for a change on City Council, and that my background and experience in city government are a good fit. I am honored to be able to do this.”

Kruea’s announcement goes on to state that a big part of his campaign is ensuring transparency with the council…

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