Chicago’s Plymouth Restaurant Transforms into Pancho’s Cantina, Plymouth MI’s Little Bangkok Bids Farewell

Downtowns across the nation are witnessing the end of eras and the birth of new legacies as renowned eateries flip the script to keep up with changing tastes. In Chicago, after a solid 20-year run, Plymouth Restaurant & Bar at 327 S. Plymouth Court is saying adios to its traditional American menu and hello to Pancho’s Cantina, a Mexican-style bar set to spice things up starting this Wednesday. According to Chicago Sun-Times, owner George Liakopoulos plans to lure in the younger crowds with a vibrant new decor and a tantalizing menu, though the core of the business remains untouched. “Everything stays the same, the same owners, the same everything,” Liakopoulos assured, with only the name and look undergoing a transformation.

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