Bears’ 1st String Offensive Line Struggling Through 2 Games

Evaluate or incriminate? The chore of trying to discern whether or not Chicago Bears’ rookie QB Caleb Williams has been playing up to his potential in his first two starts is muddy. Can any quarterback be evaluated separately from the offensive line whose job is to protect them? It’s a lot easier to incriminate the O-line for missing assignments and generally having sub-par play, than it is to push blame on the quarterback for now.

Off To A False Start

Even as an unproven NFL commodity, Caleb Williams has more pure talent as a passer than any other Bears quarterback of yesteryear. Why hasn’t it translated to the field yet? Several issues have become brutally apparent through the first two games of Williams’ NFL career. His offensive line is egregious and needs immediate attention. Extremely conservative play calling that does not cater to his strengths or the skillsets of the weapons around him has also been an issue. Thirdly, he’s a rookie transitioning from middling Pac-12 competition to the NFL, where the players at every position were All-Americans in college.

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