Road Rage 101: Is it more than just anger issues and can it be treated?

Some people might get sent to anger management treatment for crime tied to road rage

Naples Daily News

Note to readers: The Naples Daily News and the News-Press are producing a series of stories about traffic and transportation in Southwest Florida. We’re calling it Traffic Week. Today, we are taking a closer look at road rage through a Q&A with two local experts.

Responses are from Kathleen Nealon, outpatient therapist at the David Lawrence Center, a mental health center in Collier County, who also runs anger management group and Collier County Sheriff’s Sgt. Scott Kaplan, who is with the safety & traffic enforcement bureau.

What exactly is road rage?

Nealon: I consider rage extreme anger that is very difficult for a person to control. Road rage would be intense anger that occurs while one is driving and the unhealthy expression of that intense anger that creates safety concerns for the driver and other nearby drivers, or pedestrians. (I am not sure if this is “exactly” what everyone would consider road rage, just how I would define it.)

Story continues